Semakin lama saya hidup, semakin saya sadar Akan pengaruh sikap dalam kehidupan Sikap lebih penting daripada ilmu, daripada uang, daripada kesempatan, daripada kegagalan, daripada keberhasilan, daripada apapun yang mungkin dikatakan atau dilakukan seseorang.

Senin, 28 April 2008

V-RAM (Video Read Only Memory

Short for video RAM, and pronounced vee-ram. VRAM is special-purpose memory used by video adapters. Unlike conventional RAM, VRAM can be accessed by two different devices simultaneously. This enables the RAMDAC to access the VRAM for screen updates at the same time that the video processor provides new data. VRAM yields better graphics performance but is more expensive than normal RAM.
A special type of VRAM, called Windows RAM (WRAM), yields even better performance than conventional VRAM

Minggu, 13 April 2008

Cara menggunakan power point

1. Klik start
2. ALL program
3. pilih open office
4. klik microsoft powerpoint
5. pilih slide (tambah slide) dengan klik kanan new slide
6. tulis document apa yang anda inginkan
7. simpan di my document dengan cara klik file => save as =>tulis nama file dan klik ok
8. selesai